Copra(Dried Coconut meat)Cocos Nucefera

 This is the source of nutritious edible oil used for any fried foods for the people around the world.

     Price:    $1.30/kg.

Cacao Dried Beans

 A tonic drink with a therapeutic effect  that gives the people to be energetic and healthy minds and body.
       Price:   $2.20/Kg.


Ripe Banana fruit (Musa Sapientum)

A banana which to be considered organic since the coop did not use any commercial fertilizer  for its nutrition and moreover, we did not use chemicals for plant protection. Therefore, this is safe for all people.
        Price:  $.65/ Kg.

Fresh Milk Fish (Chanos Chanos)

A fish that provides good appetite because of its taste that enticed all people world wide  due to its cultural practices during fingerlings up to marketable size.
         Price:  $2.60/Kg.

                                           Copra (Coconut)        =$1.30/Kg.
                                           Cacao (Dried Beans) =$2.20/Kg.
                                           Banana ( Lacatan )   = $0.65/Kg.
                                           Banana ( Cardaba)   = $0.40/Kg.
                                           Milk Fish ( Fish )       = $2.60/Kg.